Changemaker Education for the 21st century


Connecting students around the world through Global Citizenship Education, Collaborative Digital Storytelling and Creative Computing

GlobalChangeMakers promote highly innovative and engaging connected learning experiences between schools. Participating classes connect with each other and their children create virtual mixed teams, explore a social issue related to the Sustainable


Development Goals (SDGs), discuss their ideas on a blog, learn to code and co-create interactive digital stories on the topic they have researched. All this with a methodology that promotes active learning, connected learning and critical thinking.


Students will develop and learn

  • Global awareness
  • Creativity
  • Empathy
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Languages
  • Coding

A collaborative process that lasts 15 weeks



If you are a teacher interested in learning about global education, digital storytelling and technologies for creative learning, the GlobalChangemaker team is designing a  MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on these topics. We will keep you updated! 
